Ever found yourself on a random Web browser and needed a bookmark from your own machine?  Ever needed to share a collection of Web links with your students, sent it out, and then realized that some of the links changed so you now need to resend out the whole list?  How about wanting to reach for the highlighter so you can highlight and maybe even scratch notes in the margins of a Web page?  Well, with Diigo all this is possible and more.  You simply create an account on their site, install a toolbar and start saving your bookmarks.  Because the service is independent of your own machine, you can also have access to everything from your mobile device – and even download links for offline viewing.   As a tool for managing your classes’ group work, Diigo gives teachers some additional features like quickly creating accounts for all students and group privacy settings.  There’s a lot more to this, but don’t just take my word for it, check out what CNET and the American Association of School Librarians thinks of it.